Debbie Phillips is an internationally recognized real estate professional with over 32 years of experience with diverse property types. As an entrepreneur, Debbie has a multi-faceted career including developing world class leadership development programs and talent management strategies. She was recognized in 2019 as a Woman of Influence in Real Estate by Globe Street and was awarded the first Real Estate Award of Excellence as a Certified Property Manager (CPM) in 2015 by the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM). In addition to her private consulting, Debbie serves as President of the Real Estate Career Academy, a non-profit that focuses on career awareness for those exploring careers in real estate. Debbie completed her Ph.D. from Georgia Tech, where she developed an Employee Engagement Model for the Multi-Housing Industry. In addition to teaching and consulting, Debbie is an author and nationally acclaimed speaker.
We help companies fine tune their systems and processes that enable people to be more productive and companies to be more profitable. The Quadrillion provides expertise in the following areas:
- Training & Development
- Performance Coaching
- Workforce Readiness
- Business Strategy
- Process Improvement
- Talent Acquisition
- Employee Engagement
- Marketing Strategy
- Real Estate Advisory Services
To provide outsourcing solutions to organizations whose viability is dependent on top tier human capital. We accomplish our goals through an intensive hands-on approach to enhancing the effectiveness of management practices.
Our team is comprised of experts in the areas of leadership, organizational behavior, project management, learning, and talent development.
Since the company’s founding in 1997, our global professional team has collaborated with an extensive network of experts to develop award winning proven systems and processes. This combination of evidence based research, best practices and successful track record ensures that our clients receive the highest caliber of work, products and services.
Accounting, Business Services, Chemicals, Consumer Products, Education, Energy, Financial Services, Government, Health Care, Insurance, Non-profits, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Real Estate, Retailing, Senior Housing, Telecommunications and Transportation.
Multifamily Housing, Sustainability, Affordable Housing, Employee Engagement, Talent Development, Workplace Safety, Resident Satisfaction, Consumer Behavior, Demographics, Communication, and Workplace Design.
- American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS)
- Atlanta Apartment Association (AAA)
- Georgia Apartment Association (GAA)
- Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)
- Family Career & Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
- Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
- Georgia Career Academy Network (GaCAN)
- Georgia Association for Career and Technical Education (GACTE)
- Georgia Tech Alumni Association
- Housing Educators Research Organization (HERA)
- Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM)
- National Apartment Association
- National Association of Realtors (NAR)
- National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC)
- Real Estate Educations Association (REEA)
- Skills USA
- Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
- UGA Alumni Association
- 4-H
Our approach in providing the best outsourcing solutions is to focus on the end result! Clients depend us on for our experience, our expertise and our focused attention. When a client reaches out to us, they do so because they need an objective, third party resource that can handle the project with minimal supervision. The majority of our business comes through referral or repeat business. Our clients know that they can depend on us to deliver superior results. This is evidenced by our strong relationships and commitment to excellence. Ninety percent of our current business comes from our original client base! Our clients have been associated with us for over 20 years and that is an overwhelming endorsement of the quality of work that we produce and the type of clients that we align ourselves with as we develop strategic alliances.
1. Advisor
2. Coach
3. Change Agent
4. Strategist
5. Author
6. Speaker
7. Educator
Major forces of change are challenging educators to realize that there is a new world of learners driven primarily by technologies and the speed of commerce in this new economic reality. As one educator wrote, “It’s been a long time since people needed to come to a university to find knowledge or expertise; the Internet is just one step, although a big one, in the process that started with the printing press. What students find at a university is mainly each other – a culture of learning.”
My teaching philosophy is grounded in the notion that there is a vast difference between “teaching” and “learning” and that in order to develop a true culture of learning, an educator must first use the two “R’s” … Rigor & Relevance! Students today want to be challenged and they certainly want to understand the relevancy of what they are learning. I have researched the various generations in the workplace and in the classrooms and while they all have their unique characteristics, they also share a few commonalities which includes, “Why do I need to know this information and how will it benefit me in my career?” For these reasons, I believe the best teachers create a culture of experiential learning.
I strongly believe in collaborative education with peer-to-peer learning in which the instructor brings the latest “new knowledge” and presents it in a manner that is applicable to strengthening the competencies required in the field. In class and in the marketplace, students need to transfer the knowledge into a project based learning applications. These practical experiences should be augmented by on-line meetings, classes and other projects weaving together the learning in the classroom as well as learning in the work environment.
Students should work more in teams, contributing to class projects – assessing one another’s work which leads to a more collective and creative environment. Over the last years, I’ve grown as an educator and seen the value of connecting students to industry advisors, mentors and peers for additional sources for enhanced learning experiences.
Each and every day, having taught over 15,000 college students and over 10,000 adults in corporate settings both nationally and internationally, I still find the greatest reward in teaching is the investment that we make in other people. I have learned as much or more from my students than I could have ever taught them. Great educators should not only be experts in their field, they should be passionate about their topic and be totally committed to the success of their students. In my opinion, the best report card for the educator is when the student is qualified and received the “job of their choice and is positioned for promotion.”
For a full list of what The Quadrillion teaches in its workshops, please take a look at our Workshop Topics.
In today’s hyper competitive market, the most distinguishable asset is your personal brand. Companies are known more by the talent within the organization than a specific type of property or service that is provided by that company. The Quadrillion develops systems and processes aimed at enhancing employee engagement. Through increased engagement companies are able to increase market share, penetrate a specific target audience and build a sustainable brand. Creating a unique value proposition for a company that is distinguishable and scalable has been a trademark of The Quadrillion.
Our Formula
We bring learning to life! We identify strengths, increase market share, build capacity, and increase employee engagement.